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Here is the latest I have to say about my novel .

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I hope to get into bed early tonight. For one thing, I came down with a cold last night. For another, PofF goes live on tomorrow morning. I want to get up early and spam my social networks with the actual link to my book.

If you listen to my book, I would appreciate it if you would rate it on iTunes and Ratings effect how much notice it will get.

I'll be honest. The Price of Friendship is my first novel I have completed. As such, it is a little rough. I find I'm still doing line edits as I record it. It will probably never be seen in print; neither paper nor electronically. To do that would require another edit and rewrite. Five times is enough.

However, I have four other novels written. One is in its first edit and coming along nicely. Another waits for me to complete the current edits to start on the first edit of the second. I'm afraid I don't want to name them, so the firsts and seconds get a bit confusing.

As I edit these two, my first Nanowrimo whispers alluringly that it, too, would like a rewrite and progress toward public consumption.

I'm listening to "On Writing", by Steven King, right now. He talks about story tellers and writers who can hone their craft and become great writers and story tellers. With each story I write, I can see my skills improve.

Help me become great. Tell me what you like and what you don't like. I might be offended at first, but if what you say is valid, if will take it to heart and apply it.


Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

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