I went to BayCon a couple weeks back. I got some new motivation and a bunch of new ideas.
So, number 1 priority is getting my second novel up at Podiobooks.com. That's the King's Shoemaker, my first Nanowrimo from four years ago. I'm rewriting it completely. I'd say I'm about half way through and stand at 40K words. I'm shooting for 1000 words per day and hope to have the story up by the end of July.
I also got a lot of feedback on my "Summer Surprise". It was pretty consistent that people felt it incomplete. So I have some ideas on how to make the story complete and more satisfying. It will probably go another 7K to 10K. If that is the case, I may release it as a Podiobook Novella. That would be the end of August.
In the mean time, I need to do a complete edit, revamp, on my Teenage Vampire Love Story for Boys.